Type of shelving that uses gravity to transfer goods from point A to point B
Each unit consists of one or more sloped tracks. Goods are loaded into the back of each runway until the tunnel is full. Whenever an item is removed from the front, the items behind slide forward instead of the one taken away.
With the increase in diversity and the range of products, the need for warehouse management also increases, especially during the picking process.
Upright adapters ensure integration in any pallet rack.
The bed width can be adapted to the existing width between uprights.
Above the carton live frames, further levels for pallet storage can be provided.
The buffer storage increases the replenishment speed of the carton live system.
Depending on the loads imposed, the bedwork will be equipped with more intermediate beams or higher guage steel.
With this flexible design, single unit weights up to 40 kg and bed loads up to 2,500 kg
can be implemented with standard beds of 2,700 x 2,500 mm.
Bed widths up to 3,000 mm are available.
The live storage beds are easy to install.
Should the product range change, the beds can easily be adapted to other box sizes.
For moving the picked items down the line a conveyor can be mounted in front of the live storage system. An interesting feature can be a pick-to-light system to increase the productivity even more.
fama & co. srl soc. unipersonale
Via Puccini 4/4 – 48022 LUGO (RA)
C.F / P.IVA 01913551204
+39 0545/22489
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