Fama e co



Dynamic lifo storage


Shelves in IPE steel profiles, hot rolled and with full core, which
avoids the formation of rust or any hidden internal points

Mobile Offices

With Fama & Co’s Mobile Offices you can make your warehouse a comfortable and safe space
for you and your collaborators 


Light and Heavy

Peli products

Undestroyable cases, resistant toimpacts and chemicals. Designed and built to withstand the
most difficult situations


Motorized Roller Conveyors

Freight transfer with autonomous movement 

Gravity Roller Conveyors

Designed to be applied to any shelving 

and support

We assist customers in the maintenance and possible implementations of existing systems

Carton Flow

Tipologia di scaffalatura che sfrutta la gravità per trasferire le merci da un punto A ad un punto B

Vertical Warehouses

An excellent tool for the recovery of the spaces
occupied by traditional structures 

IT Solutions

Optimize the organization and order of your warehouses with the IT solutions of Fama & Co